Your First RPG


Chapter 1

  1. #1.0 🗺️ Planning it out
  2. #1.1 🔢 What is Data?
  3. #1.2 🧠 Logic Models Explained

#1.0 🗺️ Planning it out

Youtube Video
Take coding at your own pace and take time for yourself

Coders are great at writing code only they can understand. Many beginners can feel alienated after hearing "just read the docs", and aren't given a fair chance to understand why coders do what they do.

Documentation sites like this one can be a valuable tool for coding experts, but for a beginner it's a giant pain. It's important to understand the ideas in simple terms so you can begin to visualize what you are trying to do.

Another key to learning is to practice. In this section I will guide you through basic coding ideas like problem solving, logic rules, and working with data. We will cement these ideas with hands-on activities.